FRM--5-Station high speed automatic molding machine
 TBM--2-Station high speed automatic molding machine
 Cold Box Core-making Machine, Sand Mixer, Gas Generator, Scrubber TANK
 CD Coil-Dump type Shell Mold Machines
 Z95 series shell core machine
 Z94 series vertical parted core shoot machine
 ZH series horizontal parted core shooting machine
 Gravity casting machine, low pressure casting machine
 Dies designed and processed with CAD、CAM、CNC
HC系列 冷芯盒射芯机  

    从混砂机、冷芯射芯机、三乙胺发生器,尾气处理装置及模具全套服务,以合格的砂芯为验收标准(交钥匙工程)。    三乙胺、CO2、甲酸甲酯、SO2四种硬化工艺供用户选择。

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